If you've landed on this page I imagine you have been searching google for someone who might be able to help you with some challenges that you have been facing. Maybe you have become overwhelmed with distressing emotions as a result of some difficult life circumstances, maybe you have noticed yourself feeling more and more depressed, maybe you are having difficulties in your relationship or maybe you are navigating a difficult life transition. Whatever the reason that has brought you here, welcome.
It can be enormously difficult to take that first step in deciding that you want to commit to therapy in order to move your life forwards. You might be concerned about the cost, whether you have enough time, whether you will be able to open up or about whether it will be worth it in the end. Maybe you know that therapy will be difficult but believe that it will help to alleviate the distress you are feeling. Or perhaps you have experienced therapy before and having found it helpful, want to experience the same benefits for a different set of difficulties.
The most helpful way to make a decision of this kind is first to weigh up the potential benefits and drawbacks, what might you get out of accessing psychological therapy, what might be the downsides? Next think about how important each of the factors you have identified are? Use this information to weight each benefit and drawback. How does this tip the scales? If it seems like the scales are tipped in the direction of moving forwards with this then reach out to me at the contact details below. I offer a free 15 minute telephone conversation where we can explore your needs together, and work out whether what I can offer might take you in the direction you would like to go.
And if doing all of that seems too difficult, then reach out to me still, and we can explore it together.